Useful info

How to travel to Rotterdam

We encourage attendees to prioritise the environment in their travel choices while recognising that for some travelling by air will be unavoidable. Rotterdam has direct train services to and from London, Brussels, and Amsterdam and good connections across Europe.

Venue locations

Both venues are within walking distance from the train station or short cycle or car journey.

13th September - New Economies: From the margins to the mainstream held at the Nieuwe Instituut, Museumpark 25, 3015 CB Rotterdam 


Travel expenses

We have a travel bursary available to support attendees, for those who are not able to cover this cost from existing organisational budgets. Our budget is limited, although last year we were able to support all those who requested it. If we aren’t able to do so this year, we’ll provide financial support based on need and available funds.


We do not anticipate covering travel expenses for anyone working for a Funder, or those based close to Rotterdam (ie. in the Netherlands). Priority will be given to people working to redesign our economies who experience inequity and are underrepresented at previous P4NE and other new economy-focused events (eg. young people aged 18-30, People of Colour, people from a working-class background, people with a disability, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, people whose work focuses on the Global South, people who are unemployed or have low-waged work.).  

Please let us know if you need your travel reimbursed and include an estimate of the cost by filling in this Travel Support form by the end of July. We will be in touch to confirm what support we can offer.


We’ve reserved a number of rooms across two hotels (CitizenM and Supernova) for P4NE Partners, Grantees, people taking part in the Mission Lab day and New Economy Leaders Academy participants.

If you work for a P4NE Grantee organisation or are a NELA participant attending the New economies event on the 13th only, please let us know how many nights you intend on staying when filling in your New Economies event registration form. If you are attending the Mission Lab please confirm your accommodation needs via the eventbrite link you will have received on email.

Food and drink

The Nieuwe Instituut provides vegetarian and vegan food only, sourced locally wherever possible.

If you have any allergies or dietary requirements, please let us know on the New Economies event registration form.

Dress code (or lack thereof)

The dress code is informal, including in the evenings. Please wear what you are comfortable wearing; that might mean jeans for some people, and a suit for others. We’re happy if you are.


You can call the venues:

13 September, New Economies: Moving from the margin to the mainstream, Nieuwe Instituut at +31(0)10-4401200

14 September Mission Lab, The Boathouse Kralingen, at +31(0)61-567 0200

Email if you need to contact us during the two days.

In the case of an emergency, please call 112.

New Economies and the Mission Lab are being co-produced and facilitated with Iris+Birch, a collective of thinkers, designers, producers, and facilitators working with communities and organisations to explore big questions and grey areas, seeking patterns and themes that point towards the possible. The team will be available in the run-up to and throughout the events to offer support and ensure a smooth-running and enjoyable gathering.

14th September - Mission Lab held at The Boathouse Kralingen, Langepad 51, 3062 CJ Rotterdam


Environmental impact

We have carefully considered the benefits of hosting an in-person gathering - particularly as we know travel is a main driver of P4NE’s operational emission footprint. In line with our policy, we are confident that these events will make a significant contribution to the development of the new economy field and to P4NE’s mission. Wherever possible we encourage you to prioritise the environment in your travel choices.

Anti-harassment policy

Should anyone experience inappropriate behaviour or harassment, our process is as follows:

  • Staff are the most visible first-line of support for those who experience inappropriate behaviour and participants can approach P4NE staff members should they wish to report experiencing or witnessing any such behaviours. Staff will note down the details of what has happened, make sure the Event Co-Lead (Cassie) is informed, and stay with the person who needs support if needed.

  • If a participant engages in harassing or inappropriate behaviour, the Event Co-Leads or Director may take any action they deem appropriate to the situation, including warning the offender, or expelling them from the event with immediate effect. Event staff may, if necessary, contact venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing inappropriate behaviour.

  • Incidents of inappropriate behaviour during the event will be noted and shared between event staff. This is so we can spot and challenge patterns of unwanted behaviour or repeat offenders.

  • After the event, any reported incidents of inappropriate behaviour will be reported to and reviewed by the P4NE Board. Details of incidents that were resolved satisfactorily, did not recur, or were minor will be discarded. Details of repeat or serious transgressions may be retained by P4NE for as long as the Board deems them relevant.

Sentiments for the day

We hope that the event is underpinned with these sentiments:

  • Accept and expect non-closure, be willing to leave here joyfully unresolved

  • Make Space, Take Space—a post-ableist adaptation of step up, step back - to help balance the verbose and the reticent

  • Practice yes/and, both/and—create space for multiple truths to exist

  • Responsibility for self and community: Risk at your own pace, trust others to do the same. Ask for what you need, offer what you’re able

  • Honour citation, lineage, and request consent to share what happens

  • Honour confidentiality: Take the learnings with you, leaving names/specifics out

  • Assume good intent, acknowledge what happens, attend to impact.

  • Practice self-focus: Use “I” instead of defaulting to “we,” speak from personal experience without assuming your personal experience applies to the whole.

  • Challenge personal assumptions: Practise noticing when you are assuming something about another person. Instead of assuming, inquire.

These agreements are a combination of wise thinking and practice drawn from the work of adrienne marie brown, Weaving Earth, Lead to Life’s People’s Alchemy Labs, Fierce Allies, and Youth Passageways.